Jodie and Ash
When David called to ask if I would describe my experience as an advocate my immediate response was YES! I want people to know what a truly enriching experience this has been and continues to be for me.
Initially I thought I would be providing mentorship, role modelling or perhaps going out and having fun. I had no idea of the level of reciprocity this relationship would bring. Ash continually reminds me of what resilience looks like, she teaches me about bravery about compassion about the prejudice and bias she experiences from those that are less informed. She shows me what true community inclusion is all about and how I can be part of facilitating opportunities for others to participate and learn. She exemplifies all that is beautiful in the world and she makes me want to remind those of us that had forgotten or that are too busy to notice.
Ash is creative and funny, she has dreams and aspirations, she loves music and dancing and is super friendly and outgoing. I know she appreciates me and the relationship we continue to build, but, perhaps not quite as much as I appreciate and respect the relationship we now share. How easily we can make a difference in our own lives when we let people in, and, perhaps if we are lucky we get to make a difference in the life of someone else also.
If you are thinking of becoming an advocate, get ready because it will change your life.
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